Tag: life



Finding words & processing emotions is tough today. 
I know I’m not alone in feeling this. 
We are all shaken by this tragedy, being brought together because of it, 
but feeling it in our own way. 

We can’t imagine what the families are going through,
because no matter what we may feel,
it’s nothing compared to what they are now forced to endure,
for the rest of their lives.

My heart – all of our hearts – break for them.

It’s terrible that it takes horrific tragedies like this one to
remind us just how precious life is. 
I wish it didn’t take something like this to put things into perspective. 

But my gosh, what a punch in the gut this was to us all. 

In an instant, it woke us up from our own concerns, 
and made us realize the fragility of life, 
and the beauty of simply waking up to another day. 

Our daily worries & stresses that consume our thoughts 
instantly shrink or disappear when we are suddenly reminded that
the only thing that matters in life are those we love. 
Our people are the most important thing we have, 
and we are never promised tomorrow with them. 

It’s a sad, but also beautiful truth. 

The beauty of life is that we get to love. 
And the beauty of death is that it reminds us of this.

Love is a gift.

That truth doesn’t make it easier to deal with loss, 
but it gives purpose to the way we live.

I know what to do or how to feel no better than you. 

But I guess… we have to carry on with love.

Love our people harder. 
Show them & tell them every day. 

Love those who think differently than we do.  
Set aside our beliefs and listen. 
And love, even if we disagree.

Our country, our world, is so divided, 
but we have so much in common. 

We know this. 

But now we’ve been reminded.

We all just want to love & be loved. 
We can, and we have to, come together in that. 

No one is above death, 
and no one is unworthy of love. 

We’re all going to leave this world one day. 

So let’s love each other while we’re here. 

Let’s love each other while we can.


Another Year Has Gone By…

It’s insane that basically another year has passed since my last post.

I had said I’d start blogging again in 2018, yet here I am, writing my second post of the year on December 29th, 2018.

But boy, what a year it’s been.

So much more has happened in 2018 than I thought had happened in 2017.

So many good things, fun things, amazing things. So many incredible memories made.

But also a lot of hard things happened too. Things that helped me (or forced me to) grow, and learn, and become who I am and who I’m becoming.

I turn 25 in about 2 weeks and am just realizing now as I reflect on the last year that 24 is a great age, but it’s not the easiest age. It’s an age you want to ‘start getting your life together since you’re no longer a fresh college grad,’ yet you also are basically just as clueless as you were the day you graduated. But, it’s an age where you start to realize that that’s okay.

The end of 2018 was pretty tough. On top of a lot of work stress, we had some heavy things happen in our extended family – a lot of pain, tears, and sadness.

While I wouldn’t want to go through any of it again, it brought us all even closer and helped us appreciate what we have even more.

I guess ending the year feeling grateful for family, friends, health, and the things we have at this moment that we know we won’t have forever is not the worst way to end a year.

I have more to say and actually want to say it in 2019.

And I think I’m going to.

Yours Truly,
